Friendship Passed Through the Border Crossing

In the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ Youth Program, the “Advan+AGE” Project, initiated 18 months ago under the coordination of the Turkish Volleyball Federation (TVF), in partnership with Ankara University, the Italian Volleyball Federation, SGRIM e.V from Germany, and Fix in Art from Greece, concluded its final event at Pazarkule Border Gate in cooperation with Edirne Governorship, Edirne Directorate of Youth and Sports, Pazarkule Customs Directorate, Trakya University, and Ankara Directorate of Family and Social Services.

In the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ Youth Program, the “Advan+AGE” Project, initiated 18 months ago under the coordination of the Turkish Volleyball Federation (TVF), in partnership with Ankara University, the Italian Volleyball Federation, SGRIM e.V from Germany, and Fix in Art from Greece, concluded its final event at Pazarkule Border Gate in cooperation with Edirne Governorship, Edirne Directorate of Youth and Sports, Pazarkule Customs Directorate, Trakya University, and Ankara Directorate of Family and Social Services.

On the first day of the event, the final conference was held at Trakya University, presenting completed activities and project outcomes within the scope of the project. The conference was attended by TVF Vice President Alper Sedat ASLANDAŞ, Trakya University Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOĞLU, Vice Rector Prof. Ahmet Hamdi ZAFER, Dean of Kırkpınar Faculty of Sports Sciences Prof. Dr. Nurper ÖZBAR, and Vice Dean Assoc. Prof. Cüneyt TAŞKIN. Following this, a training match was organized at the 75th Year Sports Hall of Kırkpınar Faculty of Sports Sciences to foster interaction among the youth targeted by the project.

The second day featured a friendly match among Turkish, Greek, and German youths involved in the project, played at the field set up at the border gate. Turkish, Greek, and German music was played during the match. The match was attended by TVF Vice President Alper Sedat ASLANDAŞ, The International Volleyball Referee Prof. Dr. Nurper ÖZBAR from Trakya University Faculty of Sports Sciences, Lütfü CAN from Pazarkule Customs Directorate, Murat ULAŞDIR from Edirne Directorate of Youth and Sports, Sebahattin BİLGİÇ from Ministry of Family and Social Services Edirne Provincial Deputy Director, Beytullah DOĞAN from Ministry of Family and Social Services Ankara Provincial Deputy Director, and Habip GÜL from Pazarkule Customs Anti-Smuggling Section.

TVF Vice President Alper Sedat Aslandaş emphasized that the aim of the project is to introduce children with limited access to sports due to economic or social reasons to sports, while also fostering environmental awareness, enhancing their social skills, and facilitating friendships among youths from different cultures.

TVF Project Coordinator Onur Hoşnut stated that the project successfully achieved its goal of bringing together children aged 13-15 from different countries through the socially therapeutic aspect of volleyball, culminating in a friendship match at the border between Turkey and Greece.

Thus, the Erasmus+ "Advan+AGE" project concluded with a match where friendship prevailed over competition.