Dictionary - A

adımlama (approaching)
In spike or block techniques, these are foot movements made to approach the ball in the position with the least power, highest balance and highest accuracy. Stepping is done to hit the ball with the least force, the highest balance and the ...
adil oyun (fair play)
Beyond obeying the rules in sports, it is a style of behavior appropriate to sportsmanship and sporting virtue. It is used to emphasize the meanings of fair play and honest behavior. Fair play is a necessary behavior not only for players bu...
alıştırma (drill)
A practice consisting of repetitions to learn a certain technique or movement....
antrenman (training)
It is the whole of physical, technical, tactical, conditioning and psychological studies carried out in a planned and gradual manner, with various systematic methods, in order to reach the desired level in line with the requirements of a sp...
antrenör (trainer/coach)
A person who plans all technical and tactical practices in line with a sporting skill, paying attention to training components, accompanies the practice, has received training for this job, and has a coaching certificate issued by authorize...
arka alan (back zone)
The area between the attack line and the service line (bottom line) on both sides of the playing field....
arka alan atak hatası (backcourt foot fault)
It is when the backfield player's foot touches or crosses the attack (3 m) line while making an attack shot on the ball above the net level. It results in the opposing team scoring a point. Players can hit the ball below net level by steppi...